More Wii-focused efforts include a mildly horrible version of volleyball where you try to flip the ball over the net using a remote-guided onscreen hand and a power rush mode where you shake the remote with a kind of crazed vigour to wipe out little faces that appear in the circles. Be careful, kids: you shouldn’t make or break a relationship on this sort of thing. The bizarre love mode also returns, with two players scoring big for keeping their shaking, posing and dancing in sync, and so earning a kind of ‘love’ grade. The Guacamole ‘whack-a-mole’ game (get it?) is back, along with the battle game where you compete through a stage to knock out your opponent. Some are familiar, some new or extensively reworked. On top of the basic single-player game and new training and career modes (the latter a fairly basic complete stages to unlock extras affair) we also get a selection of multiplayer mini-games. This makes the game a little more athletic, and also ensures that you look even more of a plonker playing it than you might have done previously. Pose-style prompts now appear, but this time you’re expected to wave your controllers in a set pattern in time to the music. 2000 release (never released on Dreamcast over here) has been incorporated, adding dance moves to the shaking and posing action. For a start, the Hustle mode introduced in the Samba De Amigo ver. You could say much the same thing about WarioWare: Smooth Moves or Wii Sports today.īarring the swapping of the maracas for the remote and nunchuck the Wii version doesn’t deviate much from the basic template, instead adopting a selection of thoughtful enhancements. Basically, it was the sort of game that was best played with small children and easily embarrassed relatives or with friends after sizable quantities of alcohol. To mix things up a little, the game also threw in poses, where you had to stand with the maracas pitched at particular angles in answer to an onscreen prompt. As a latin-tinged track played you had to follow the beats going to each circle, shaking the relevant maraca high, medium or low as instructed. In front of a gang of weird dancing animals on the screen you have a set of six circles: two high, two medium and two low. An early example of the rhythm action game, it shipped with a pair of plastic maracas for you to shake. It helps, of course, that Samba De Amigo was practically designed for the Wii even though it arrived in the days before the Wii was invented. First, I’d just like to make it clear that this is, in all but one vital respect, a great example of how a classic game should get the Wii treatment. Well, there is something actually, but we’ll come to that a little bit later. I know what you’re thinking: it’s a Wii conversion of an old Dreamcast classic featuring monkeys playing maracas to the strains of The Macarena.